
You CAN take your Specialized Corporate Knowledge and turn it into the business of your dreams!

I’ll give you the keys to building a PROFITABLE business based on the specialized knowledge you’ve built from your years of corporate experience.


Curious about starting your own consulting business? This free ebook goes over the 6 steps you must know before starting your own business.

The SHIFT Mini Course

This mini course focuses on designing a business around your unique purpose based on your specialized knowledge.

The Shift Mastermind

A guided experience that shows you how to get from where you are right now into the freedom and flexibility of a business that gives you the life of your dreams...WITHOUT sacrificing your family, your finances… or your sanity.

Want to know the 3 Secrets to Build a Profitable Business?

Every Christian Working Woman who wants to succeed in creating an online business can follow these easy, simple, and fast steps to build a profitable business!

Want to know the 3 Secrets to Build a Profitable Business?

Every Christian Working Woman who wants to succeed in creating an online business can follow these easy, simple, and fast steps to build a profitable business!

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If you want to leave the corporate crush behind and start a business, or you have a God-sized idea in you for a different kind of work than you’re doing – I'm so glad you're here.

-Anita Anello

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